Valentine’s Day Fat Bombs Recipes!
Who doesn’t love a yummy sweet decadent treat? It’s completely possible when eating keto. A fat bomb a day keeps the doctor away I say…here’s four of my favourites to keep you full, satisfied and happy this Valentine’s day: Bacon Maple Butter Fat Bombs 8 oz cream...

Going Keto: Part 3
New Year, New You - am I right?? It’s the perfect time to get in on one of the biggest food trends out there right now: Keto, low carb-high fat, fat adapted — there are a bunch of names for it but it essentially comes down to this: healthy whole foods such as...

Holiday Survival Package
This time of year can really screw up your wellness routines. The parties, food, family stresses, alcohol, travel and lack of sleep can really do a number on our health - whether we realize it or not! Before my love of holistic living, many holidays I’d end up...

Is Keto Right For You? Part 2
How do you know is a Keto diet (a.k.a. becoming fuelled by fat) is right for you? It’s all about listening to your body. Your body sends you signals all the time. If you’re not aware or attuned to picking them up you could miss them and keep doing the things that are...

Why You Want To Be Fat-Adapted: Burn Fat For Fuel Part 1
Fat Bomb Popsicles for a ketogenic snack As a busy mom, I like to simplify my life as much as possible. That includes what and how I eat. I follow a low carb high fat diet because it: keeps me going for hours without having to eat simplifies meal choices keeps me lean...

DIY Remedy for Warts
Summertime can breed warts. The wart virus loves warm, moist places like small cuts or scratches on your hands or feet. Once the virus finds a nice warm place on the skin, a wart begins to develop. Warts can grow for many months — sometimes a year or more — before...

Gut Healing Smoothie Recipes
Many people with immune health issues, mental health issues and other chronic health conditions are likely to have a damaged gut lining. Many of us today have inflammation and ulcerations in our gut lining and we aren’t even aware of it. There are many things in...

Why Can’t I lose Weight?
Many of my clients struggle to lose weight despite consuming a “healthy” diet. Why is this? Taking the time to critically analyze your food intake and energy expenditure can be helpful. But it often doesn’t give the whole picture of what is happening in your body. I’d...

The Big Five Vitamins
Confused about vitamins? Not surprising given the overwhelming selection out there. How do you know what to give your children and what you should be taking too?? I have a basic five (and bonus one) that I like to recommend to people to help build a strong foundation...

Why Do a Cleanse?
With spring here, it’s the perfect time to do a cleanse for your health. For months we’ve had less sunlight, less activity, and we’ve been inside breathing poor indoor air quality. The antidote is a detoxifying diet that can help increase energy, decrease allergy...

Green Smoothies 101
I try and get a green smoothie in everyday. Why? Phytonutrients, phytonutrients, phytonutrients. These babies are the nutrients found in plants that protect the plant from environmental damage such as radiation, toxins, pests and pollution. They help humans equally by...
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