Essential Oils for Everyday Ailments

Keep this convenient for quick essential oil remedies to have at the ready: 

1. Fever: Peppermint apply 2-3 drops diluted to forehead, temples, back of neck 

2. Sinus Infection: Oregano - 1-2 drops in water hourly; Raven; Thieves 

3. Strep Throat: Thieves or Thieves Spray Oil; Gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar 

4. Acne: Thieves oil (diluted with carrier oil- rub on); Enzymes and Omega 3’s 

5. Stomach Ache: Lavender, Digize 2-3 drops on temples, neck and shoulders 2 times daily 

6. First Sign of Cold: Thieves and/or Oregano. Zinc helps too! 

7. First Sign of Flu: Oregano - 2 drops every hour orally and continue; Zinc 

8. Ward off insects: Oregano oil works as a natural insect repellant. Put a few drops on outdoor furniture, or apply a diluted mixture on your skin when heading outdoors. 

9. Vaginal Yeast Infections: Oregano, Purification - mix 8 parts oil to 2 parts carrier oil (i.e. coconut oil) put 1-2 tbsp on tampon and insert for internal infection. 

10.Cold Sores: at first sign apply Thieves or Oregano oil. 

11. Stop Bleeding: Lavender or Geranium oil applied neat. 

12. Headache: Peppermint or Deep Relief applied to temple and forehead. 

13. Relieve Bug Bites and Rashes including Poison Ivy: Lavender and Peppermint apply. 

14. Joint and muscle pain: Peppermint, PanAway, Deep Relief apply neat 

15. Treating foot or nail fungus: Put a few teaspoons of oregano oil in a basin of water and soak your feet in it. Alternatively, dilute the oil (mix a drop with a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil), and apply it on your nails or skin. 

16. Toothache: Thieves, Clove or Oregano. Apply neat to tooth and area 

17. Splinters: Apply Thieves Oil immediately neat and wait for sliver to draw itself up. Fascinating to watch! (you may need a few applications) 

18. Heartburn: Di-Gize, Lemon, Ginger, Tarragon, Fennel - dilute with carrier oil and apply on location 3-6 times daily. 

19. Sleep Better: Valerian, Valor, Lavender. Diffuse before bed, Massage 2-4 drops oil on bottom of feet just before bed.

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